Now Is Not The Time To Travle.

I have gotten calls about the new travel restrictions announced by our government last week. The simplest answer I can give is this: don’t travel. Now is not the time for a vacation, or for anything but the most essential, unavoidable travel. Your federal government had advised since March 2020 against travel, and has warned new restrictions can come at any time.

Here are a few things to remember if you do need to travel:

* To fly into Canada, you need a negative COVID test within 72 hours of your flight

* Until April 30th, Canadian airlines have suspended flights to sun destinations

* Beginning this week, international flights will only come in to Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary

* As soon as possible, there will be mandatory PCR testing at the airport for people returning to Canada. At an expense of up to $2,000, travelers will have to wait up to three days at an approved hotel for their results. If they test negative, they can complete their 14 day quarantine at home with stricter enforcement. If they test positive, they will they will complete the remainder of their 14-day quarantine at a government-approved quarantine facility.

* In the coming week, non-essential travelers will be required to show a negative test before entry at the land border with the US, and we are working to stand up additional testing requirements. Essential travel in this context is narowlly defined to categories such as health care workers crossing the border to work and truck drivers delivering food and immediately returning.

I will share further information as I receive it. While less than 2 per cent of COVID-19 cases linked to returning Canadians, one case is too many. We will continue to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to protect and support Canadians during this crisis.

News release:…/government-of-canada-introduces…

Backgrounder on flight restrictions:…/expansion-of-international…

Backgrounder on testing and quarantine measures:…/canada-to-implement-new-testing…

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