October 23 1983
40 Years ago today, 2 large truck bombs struck buildings in Beirut Lebanon. These buildings were housing American and French troops during the Lebanese Civil War. This attack claimed the lives of 307 people; 241 American and 58 French, the two attackers and civilians.
It was a series of suicide bombers who detonated the truck bombs. Some reports say it was Islamic Jihad Organization that claimed responsibility and the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence. Reports at the time mentions the motives for the attack was because of United States and French support for Iraq during the Iraq Iran war that raged from 1980-19888.
The killing of 220 Marines, 18 sailors and 3 soldiers has been the deadliest single-day death toll for the Untied States Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II.
As the United States sets off its USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier strike ship to the Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel, history has shown us time and time again that Lebanon a tiny country of just over 10,000 square Kilometers is often ground zero for proxy wars between larger state actors (Saudi Arabia, Iran and the West)
As a Lebanese Canadian who arrived back from Lebanon just days ago, tensions are extremely high and an overwhelming majority of Lebanese that have suffered so much do not want to be involved In yet another regional conflict. Lebanon by definition is a failed state and the world bank has defined its economic crisis as the “worlds worst since the 1850s”.
Recent interview with Walid Jumblatt, a former militia leader and one of Lebanon’s political veterans (there are many unfortunately) has a pessimistic view of what may unfold in the coming days. When asked about the Israel’s war with Hamas Jumblatt replied “I don’t think we can escape”. Jumblatt along many Lebanese fear Hezbollah, a powerful Lebanese Shiite milita backed by Iran will launch an assault on Israel from the North making it a war on two fronts. A war that will escalate and claim the lives of many Lebanese.
I myself, am a product of war, the same with the millions of Lebanese that have fled violence, death and destruction. I call upon our leaders here in Canada and abroad AGAIN TO DEMAND A CEASFIRE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE before this escalates even further. This is a an all-out crisis that Israel, the USA and Iran have the power to stop and resolve.
Let us learn from our past and preserve our future, lives are at stake.
Marwan Tabbara Former Member of Parliament Kitchener South-Hespeler