NEVER AGAIN JANUARY 27 Today, we honour the more than 6 million Jews who were brutally murdered by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. We honour the countless Romani; members of the LGBTQ2I community; persons with disabilities; and political dissidents who were persecuted and killed, as well as all those who stood against the Nazi […]
Canada Summer Jobs
Employers in Kitchener South – Hespeler: This is the last week to apply for #CanadaSummerJobs funding! Make sure to apply today!
Let’s talk Budget 2021
LETSTALKBUDGET2021.CAAs we distribute vaccines across Canada, bold action continues to be necessary t …
Bell Let’s Talk
LETSTALK.BELL.CABell Let’s Talk is a wide-reaching, multi-year program designed to break the silen … On Bell Let’s Talk Day, January 28, Bell will donate more towards mental health initiatives in Canada by contributing 5¢ for every applicable text, call, tweet or TikTok using #BellLetsTalk, social media video view and use of the Bell Let’s […]
Vaccinate Canadians as fast as possible
Your federal government is working hard to ensure that free and safe vaccines reach all Canadians who want one by September. To date, more than 1.1 million vaccine doses have been distributed to the provinces and territories, with more doses on the way. – Marwan Tabbara
Fund for Gender Equality – Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation
Today, Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation (KWCF) is announcing grants totaling $240,000 to 9 organizations in Waterloo Region working to support women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender-diverse individuals working towards a future grounded in equity, inclusion and justice. The Fund for Gender Equality is part of a partnership with Community Foundations of Canada, funded through the Government […]
Canada is on track to receive 6 million doses of the #COVID19 vaccine by March 31, 20 million doses between April and June & a total of 70 million doses by September. Vaccines will be free & available for all Canadians who want one. – Marwan Tabbara
Justin Trudeau
When it comes to ending the pandemic, growing the middle class, fighting climate change, and creating good jobs for people on both sides of the border, President Joe Biden and I know there’s a lot of work to do together – and no time to waste. On our call today, we spoke about these and […]