Israel Palestine Conflict 2023

Israel Palestine conflict, a topic that I have covered  frequently during my time in public office. I served for 6 years on the International Human Rights Committee and was Chair of the Palestine Canada Friendship Group. As Chair, I coordinated an all-party delegation of 18 MPs to Palestine and Israel in 2018. A report was […]

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On Beirut Barracks blast in 1983 comparing to Gaza war 2023

October 23 1983 40 Years ago today, 2 large truck bombs struck buildings in Beirut Lebanon. These buildings were housing American and French troops during the Lebanese Civil War. This attack claimed the lives of 307 people; 241 American and 58 French, the two attackers and civilians. It was a series of suicide bombers who […]

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On Beirut Port Blast

August 3rd 2023 On August 4th 2020, the Lebanese capital Beirut was shocked and dismayed by theworld’s largest non-nuclear blast that killed more than 220 innocent lives and injured over 6500.Incompetence, lack of good governance and lack of accountability are some of many words used todescribe the Beirut implosion. The blast perhaps can also be […]

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2020 Canadian Delegation’s Impactful Tanzania Trip

A First-Hand Look at Positive Change ‘Seeing is believing.’ It might sound cliché, but our parliamentary delegations prove that there is power and truth behind this phrase. Seeing the progress made towards ending extreme poverty and meeting the people whose lives have been impacted thanks to Canadian funding brings the story of Canadian aid to […]

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Flood Mitigation Fund, Kitchener receives almost $50M. Benefits 11,500 residents from flooding.

The City of Kitchener will receive $49.9 million from the federal government to fund several flood mitigation projects. Waterloo MP and Government House Leader Bardish Chagger made the announcement Wednesday. The projects will focus on upgrading key components to the city’s stormwater management system, adding stormwater drainage controls in some neighbourhoods and redesigning a natural channel to […]

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Kitchener Flood Fund Puts $750K in Stormwater

Invests $750K into Stormwater Management at RBJ Schlegel Park New funding announced this week from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), included $750,000 grant that will help the City of Kitchener, Ontario incorporate state-of-the-art stormwater management features at the new RBJ Schlegel Park. Kitchener’s investment in green infrastructure is intended to forward a reputation for leadership […]

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I truly hope Canadian officials heard @Riyad Al-Maliki Foreign Affairs Minister of Palestine loud and clear as I did back in 2018 in #Ramallah. An end to the occupation and peace talks need to be demanded and implemented NOW. #ceasefirenow #releasehostages

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VOTER TURN OUT Canada: Ages 18-24 =46% Ages 65-74=75% USA: Ages 18-24=48% Ages 65-74= 76%To our American neighbours and young voters. Have your say in your future. Many fought for the right to vote, do your civic duty today

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