Play a key role in our economic recovery
The pandemic has shone a bright light on the incredible contributions of newcomers. This new policy will help those with a temporary status to plan their futures in Canada, play a key role in our economic recovery and help us build back better. Our message to them is simple: your status may be temporary, but […]
Ottawa aims to convert 90,000 temporary workers and graduated students into permanent residents
THEGLOBEANDMAIL.COM The new measures will allow 20,000 temporary foreign workers in health care, 30,000 workers in other occupations deemed essential and 40,000 international students who have graduated from a university or college to apply to become permanent residents.
Best wishes to all Tamil communities across celebrating Puthandu, Tamil New Year. Although this year’s festivities will once again be virtual, the symbols of hope, renewal, and reconciliation that are at the center of this occasion will continue to hold their significant meaning. May this new year bring health and happiness to your family and […]
Today, the Government of Canada delivered on its commitment to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) and recognized that Canadians have a right to a healthy environment. The amendments will enable the Government to respond effectively to new science, which is pointing to harms that were unanticipated in the past and to enable […]
Happy Vaisakhi!
Wishing the Sikh community in Kitchener South-Hespeler, and across Canada, a Happy Vaisakhi! Our community would normally celebrate at a Nagar Kirtan or at a Gurdwara, but gathering is not possible this year. Families will find new ways to perform Seva and mark the creation of the Khalsa.
Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan Mubarak to all! Today ushers in the holy month of Ramadan for Muslim communities in Canada and around the world. A month of fasting, prayer, personal introspection and empathy with those less fortunate. In light of the ongoing pandemic and the surge of cases we are currently experiencing, it is important that we prioritize […]
Justin Trudeau
La COVID-19 nous empêche de nous rassembler pour le ramadan, mais elle n’empêchera pas les musulmans de célébrer les valeurs au cœur de l’islam. À ceux qui célèbrent à la maison et en ligne, Sophie et moi souhaitons paix et bonheur. Ramadan Mubarak!
April 9th, 1917, the Battle of Vimy
On April 9th, 1917, the Battle of Vimy Ridge began, where tens of thousands Canadians of all backgrounds, step by step, forged a new destiny. #OTD, 104 years ago, Canadians unknowingly wrote the history of their country.