Planting Trees

Trees capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from our atmosphere and store it in their trunks, branches, leaves and roots. That is why trees are such a valuable tool in fighting climate change.

By planting two billion trees, we can eliminate as many as 12 Megatonnes (Mt) of carbon emissions from our air.

Trees enhance our communities’ long-term resilience to climate change. Beyond just carbon capture, trees control soil erosion, providing habitats for countless species and support our biodiversity. Forests

and trees stop floodwaters from reaching homes. The presence of more trees mitigates the risks of forest fires. They provide shade and cooler air in the summer months, and act as snow fences in the winter to protect fields and roads. Forests are responsible for providing clean drinking water and clean air to the majority of Canadians. – Marwan Tabbara

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